EN IEC 62909-2-2019 pdf download.Bi-directional grid-connected power converters – Part 2: Interface of GCPC and distributed energy resources (IEC 62909-2:2019).
This part of IEC 62909 specifies GCPC interface requirements for particular distributed energy resources, namely electric vehicle (EV), battery, and photovoltaic (PV) systems. These requirements are in addition to the general requirements given in IEC 62909-1 .
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60730-1 :201 3, Automatic electrical controls – Part 1: General requirements
IEC 60730-1 :201 3/AMD1 :201 5
IEC 61 508 (all parts), Functional safety of electrical/electronic/programmable electronic safety-related systems
IEC 61 851 -23:201 4, Electric vehicle conductive charging system – Part 23: DC electric vehicle charging station
IEC 62909-1 :201 7, Bi-directional grid-connected power converters – Part 1: General requirements
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 62909-1 and the following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
• IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electropedia.org/
• ISO Online browsing platform: available at http://www.iso.org/obp
Table 1 01 provides an alphabetical cross-reference listing of terms.
3.1 01 arc fault detector
AFD device or group of devices to detect arcs
Note 1 to entry: This note applies to the French language only.
3.1 02 arc fault interrupter
AFI device able to interrupt arc faults triggered by an arc fault detector
Note 1 to entry: This note applies to the French language only.
3.1 03 battery management system
BMS electronic system associated with a battery which has functions to cut off or disconnect it in case of overcharge, overcurrent, overdischarge, and overheating
Note 1 to entry The BMS monitors and/or manages the battery’s state, calculates secondary data, reports that data and/or controls the battery’s environment to influence its safety, performance and/or service life.
Note 2 to entry Cut-off or disconnection due to overdischarge is not mandatory if there is an agreement between the cell manufacturer and the GCPC manufacturer.
Note 3 to entry The function of the BMS can be assigned to the battery pack or to equipment that uses the battery.
Note 4 to entry The BMS can be divided and it can be found partially in the battery pack and partially on the equipment that uses the battery.
Note 5 to entry The BMS is sometimes also referred to as a BMU (battery management unit).
Note 6 to entry: This note applies to the French language only.
[SOURCE: IEC 6261 9:201 7, 3.1 2, modified – The definition, Note 1 and Note 2 have been rephrased.]
3.1 04 battery system BS
system which comprises one or more cells, modules or battery packs
Note 1 to entry It has a battery management system to cut off or disconnect it in case of overcharge, overcurrent, overdischarge, and overheating. Where cells, modules and battery packs employ an acid electrolyte, the BMS may be absent from the battery system provided that the BMS functions are integral to the BS section
Note 2 to entry Cut-off or disconnection due to overdischarge is not mandatory if there is an agreement between the cell manufacturer and the GCPC manufacturer
Note 3 to entry The battery system may have cooling or heating units.
[SOURCE: IEC 6261 9:201 7, 3.1 1 , modified – Note 1 and Note 2 have been rephrased.]
3.1 05 BS section
part of a GCPC between the DC-connection interface and a BS DC-port interface
3.1 06 BS DC-port interface
DC-port interface connected to a battery system.EN IEC 62909-2 pdf download.