IEC CA 01-2020 pdf download.IEC Conformity Assessment Systems – Basic Rules.
5 Membership
5.1 Any country in which there is a Full or Associate Member National Committee of the IEC, as defined in Article 4 of the Statutes of the IEC, may apply for membership of a CA System(s). The CA System member country may or may not have conformity assessment bodies operating in the CA System. Membership of the CA System is also open to non-IEC countries subject to the concurrence of the IEC Executive Committee (ExCo) regarding general IEC policy and satisfaction of the specific requirements for membership, as set out in Annex C. Application for membership of one or more CA System shall be submitted to the CA System Executive Secretary by the National Committee of the IEC and decided upon by the MC (see Clause 7.7 g). As part of its application for membership to a CA System the Member Body shall submit a document describing their management organization, hierarchy, including their sub-groups, and an indication as to how their national interests can participate. The candidate member body shall undertake to abide by the Basic Rules and Rules of Procedure of the CA System. Applications for CA System membership from non-IEC member countries will be handled in accordance with the procedure set out in Annex C. The Member Body may be either: a) the National Committee of the IEC; or b) a body notified to the IEC by the National Committee of the IEC. The Member Body of the CA System shall undertake efforts to facilitate full representation of the national conformity assessment community and should include a wide representation from industry, regulatory authorities and standards bodies as well as conformity assessment interests. The Member Body shall report to the MC every three years on its representation of stakeholder interests within their Member Body. In order to achieve maximum efficiency and the necessary discipline in the work, each Member Body shall clearly indicate for each CA System if it intends:
• to attend meetings, participate actively in the work, with an obligation to vote on all questions formally submitted for voting within the Systems and to contribute to meetings (Voting-member), or
• to follow the work as an observer (non-voting), and therefore to receive committee documents and to have the right to submit comments and to attend meetings (Non-Voting Member).
On a 5-year cycle, where the body notified as the Member Body (MB) of a country is not the same as the IEC National Committee (NC), the IEC NC shall be requested by the CA System Executive Secretary to reaffirm their appointment of the MB organization for the applicable conformity assessment System(s). This reaffirmation shall be deemed as the NC’s confirmation of the MB’s capability to comply with the MB requirements of the respective CA System’s Basic Rules, including being fully representative of all conformity assessment interests within the country. Membership in Committees, Working Groups (WG) or Task Forces (TF) is open to any Member Body, regardless of their membership status with respect to voting.
5.2 The CA System Member Bodies nominated by Full or Associate Member National Committees of the IEC or from non-IEC member countries are entitled to participate fully in the committees and activity of the CA System, except that representatives of IEC Associate Members and of non-IEC member countries are not eligible to hold any leadership position.IEC CA 01 pdf download.