IEC ACEE-03-2020 pdf download.IEC Advisory Committee on energy efficiency (ACEE).
Boundary definition is key for defining the scope for energy efficiency. The best boundary to be used is the whole low-voltage electrical installation. In this case, the overall efficiency of the installation is optimised. The concept of local boundary is also introduced in IEC 60364-8-1 as a mesh or a group of meshes. The determination of the meshes in the installation is defined so that they deliver the associated usage, while allowing effective management of the consumption of energy, and considering at least one of the criteria having a technical and/or economical aspect. Electrical management for energy efficiency is a system approach aiming to optimize the management of energy used for a specific service within a defined “electrical mesh”, taking into account all necessary information concerning the technical and economic approaches. It is seldom the case that the optimum of a system equals the sum of the optima of each part of the system. It is therefore necessary to consider the most appropriate meshes of the electrical installation from the electrical energy efficiency point of view. This shall be considered in order to get the lowest electrical energy consumption and/or cost with regards to a solution for a service which is, and can be, compared to another solution.
4 Energy efficiency of low-voltage electrical installations: EEAs 4.1 General The optimization of electrical energy usage can be facilitated by appropriate design and installation considerations. An electrical installation can provide the required level of service and safety for the lowest electrical consumption. This is considered by designers as a general requirement of their design procedures in order to establish the best use of electrical energy. In addition to the many parameters taken into account in the design of electrical installations, more importance is nowadays focused on reducing losses within the system and its use. The design of the whole installation therefore has to take into account inputs from users, suppliers and utilities. The optimization of the use of electricity is based on energy efficiency management which is based on the price of electricity, electrical consumption and real-time adaptation. Efficiency is checked by measurement during the whole life of the electrical installation. This helps identify opportunities for any improvements and corrections. Improvements and corrections may be implemented by redesign or equipment replacement. The aim is to provide a design for an efficient electrical installation which allows an energy management process to suit the user’s needs, and in accordance with an acceptable investment. This document first introduces the different measures to ensure an energy efficient installation based on kWh saving. It then provides guidance on giving priority to the measures depending on the return on investment, i.e. the saving of electrical energy and reducing of electrical power costs divided by the amount of investment.IEC ACEE-03 pdf download.