IEC 62890-2020 pdf download.Industrial-process measurement, control and automation – Life-cycle- management for systems and components.
This International Standard establishes basic principles for Life-Cycle-Management of systems and components used for industrial-process measurement, control and automation. These principles are applicable to various industrial sectors. This standard provides definitions and reference models related to the life-cycle of a product type and the life time of a product instance,
It defines a consistent set of generic reference models and terms. The key models defined are:
– Life-Cycle-Model;
– structure model;
– compatibility model.
This document also describes the application of these models for Life-Cycle-Management strategies. The content is used for technical aspects concerning the design, planning, development and maintenance of automation systems and components and the operation of the plant.
The definitions of generic models and terms regarding Life-Cycle-Management are indispensable for a common understanding and application by all partners in the value chain such as plant user, product and system producer, service provider, and component supplier.
The models and strategies described in this standard are also applicable for related management systems, i.e. MES and ERP.
2 Normative references
There are no normative references in this document.
3 Terms, definitions and abbreviations
3.1 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
• IEC Electropedia: available at
• ISO Online browsing platform: available at
3.1.1 after-sales support phase
phase in the life-cycle of a product type which begins at the end of the selling phase and ends with product abandonment
3.1.2 backward compatibility
downward compatibility fulfilment by a new component of all the specified requirements of the compatibility profile of its predecessor
Note 1 to entry: Antonyms are forward compatibility and upward compatibility, respectively.
3.1.3 capability profile
compatibility profile that represents characteristics of a product type
3.1.4 compatibility
ability of a component to fulfill the compatibility profile of another component
3.1.5 compatibility assessment
verification of an agreed compatibility level
3.1.6 compatibility profile
list of all compatibility requirements of a system, or a component of a system, depending upon the application
3.1.7 component
autonomous element of a system, which fulfills a defined sub-function
3.1.8 construction compatibility
fulfilment of the constructional aspects of a compatibility profile by a component
Note 1 to entry: Related requirements are physical dimensions, construction properties, connection method (including e.g. power supply) and the location with respect to environmental conditions.
3.1.9 data compatibility
fulfilment of the functional aspects related to data type and format of a compatibility profile by a component
3.1.1 0 delivery release
end of the manufacturing preparation process after which series production can begin
Note 1 to entry: The manufacturing preparation process is part of the development phase.
3.1.1 1 development phase
phase of the product life-cycle which begins with the decision to develop a product type and ends with delivery release of the product type.IEC 62890 pdf download.