AS NZS IEC-61034-2-2017 pdf download.Tests on electric and optical fibre cables under fire cond itions Part 3.10: Test for vertical flame spread of vertically-mounted bunched wires or cables-Apparatus.
The series of International Standards covered by Parts 3-10, 3-21, 3-22, 3-23, 3-24 and 3-25 of IEC 60332 specifies methods of test for the assessment of vertical flame spread of vertically- mounted bunched wires or cables, electrical or optical, under defined conditions. NOTE For the purpose of this standard the term “electric wire or cable” covers all insulated metallic conductor cables used for the conveyance of energy or signals. This part of IEC 60332 details the apparatus and its arrangement and calibration.
2 Normative references The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. IEC 60695-4, Fire hazard testing – Part 4: Terminology concerning fire tests IEC Guide 104,The preparation of safety publications and the use of basic safety publications and group safety publications
3 Definitions For the purpose of this part of IEC 60332 the following definition applies. The definition is taken from IEC 60695-4.
3.1 ignition source source of energy that initiates combustion
4 Test environment The test shall not be carried out if the external wind speed, measured by an anemometer ftted on the top of the test rig, is greater than 8 m/s and shall not be carried out if the temperature of the inside walls is below 5。C or above 40 °C measured at a point approximately 1 500 mm above floor level, 50 mm from a side wall, and 1 000 mm from the door. The enclosure door shall be closed throughout the test.
5 Test apparatus The test apparatus consists of the fllowing:
5.1 Test chamber The test rig (see Figures 1a and 1b) shall comprise a vertical test chamber having a width of (1000土100)mm,adepthof(2000土100)mmandaheightof(4000出100)mm;thefloorof the chamber shall be raised above ground level. The test chamber shall be nominally airtight along its sides, air being admitted at the base of the test chamber through an aperture of (800土20) mm x (400土10) mm situated (150土10) mm from the front wall of the test chamber (sse figure 1). Anoutlet(300土30)mmx(1000土100)mmshallbemadeattherearedgeofthetopofthe test chamber. The. back and sides of the test chamber shall be thermally insulated to give a coefficient of heat transfer of approximately 0,7 W-m K-1. For example, a steel plate 1 ,5 mm to 2,0 mm thick covered with 65 mm of mineral wool with a suitable external cladding is satisfactory (see figure 2). The distance between the ladder and the rear wall of the chamber is (150土10) mm. and between the bottom rung of the ladder and the floor (400土5) mm. The clearance between the lowest point of the test plece and the floor is approxlmately 100 mm (58e figure 3).
5.2 Air supply A means of supplying a controlled air flow through the chamber shall be ftted. Air shall be introduced into the test chamber through a box flted directly underneath, and of approximately the same dimensions as, the air inlet aperture. Alr shall be blown into the box from a suitable fan through a straight section of duct which shall enter from the rear of the test chamber and be parallel to the floor and along the burner centre line as shown in Figure 1b. The duct shall be arranged to allow air into the box through an opening in the longest side. NOTE1 A grile may be placed over the air inlet aperture to failiatle acessing the 1est chamber but should neilther restriot the airiow nor modity its direction. NOTE2 A duct of constant Cre-ection of aproximately 240 cm2 and mininum length of 60 cm B recommended. Prior to burner inition, the air flow shall be adjusted to a rate of (5 000士500) U/min at a constant controlled temperature of (20土10) “C and at atmospheric pressure and measured at the inlet side before the test commences. This air flow rate shall be maintained throughout the test until cable burning or glowing has ceased or for a maximum time of 1 h from completion of the test flame application period, after which period the flame or glowing shall be extinguished.AS NZS IEC-61034-2 pdf download.