IEC 62784-2019 pdf download.Vacuum cleaners and dust extractors providing equipment protection level Dc for the collection of combustible dusts – Particular requirements.
This International Standard covers electrical mobile motor-operated vacuum cleaners Equipment Protection Level (EPL) Dc. This includes dust extractors, for wet suction or dry suction, intended for commercial indoor use with or without attachments, to collect combustible dust in an explosive dust atmosphere.
This document supplements and modifies the requirements of IEC 60079-0. Whenever a requirement of this standard is in conflict with a requirement of IEC 60079-0 the requirement of this standard will take precedence.
The following power systems are covered:
– mains powered motors up to a rated voltage of 250 V for single-phase appliances and 480 V for other appliances.
This document does not cover specific hazards associated with extreme ambient temperatures (less than –20 °C or higher than 40 °C) unless otherwise marked by the manufacturer as given in IEC 60079-0. The temperatures shall not exceed the temperature range of –20 °C to +60 °C.
This document does not cover motorized cleaning heads for which additional requirements are under consideration.
This document does not apply to
– back-pack vacuum cleaners;
– vacuum cleaners with a traction drive;
– vacuum cleaners and water-suction cleaning appliances for household use (IEC 60335-2-2);
– floor treatment machines for commercial use (IEC 60335-2-67, IEC 60335-2-72);
– spray extraction machines for commercial use (IEC 60335-2-68);
– hand-held mains-operated electrical garden blowers, vacuums and blower vacuums (IEC 60335-2-1 00);
– hand-held and transportable motor-operated electric tools (IEC 62841 series);
– appliances for medical purposes (IEC 60601 -1 );
– machines designed for use in corrosive environments;
– machines designed for picking up flammable liquids;
– machines designed for use in explosive environments due to the presence of explosive substances or pyrotechnical products, or unstable chemical substances.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60079-0:201 1 , Explosive atmospheres – Part 0: Equipment – General requirements
IEC 60079-31 , Explosive atmospheres – Part 31: Equipment dust ignition protection by enclosure “t”
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 60079-0,
IEC 60079-31 , IEC 60335-2-69 and the following apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
• IEC Electropedia: available at
• ISO Online browsing platform: available at
3.1 combustible dust
finely divided solid particles, 500 µm or less in nominal size, which may form explosive mixtures with air at standard atmospheric pressure and temperatures
Note 1 to entry: This includes dust and grit as defined in ISO 4225.
Note 2 to entry: The term solid particles is intended to address particles in the solid phase and not the gaseous or liquid phase, but does not preclude a hollow particle.
3.2 explosive dust atmosphere
mixture with air, under atmospheric conditions, of flammable substances in the form of dust, fibres or flyings which, after ignition, permits self-sustaining propagation
Note 1 to entry: Minimum ignition energy values for common dusts can be found in IEC 60335-2-69.
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-426:2008, 426-01 -08, modified – The note to entry has been added]
3.3 mobile machine
transportable equipment machine that is capable of being moved from one location to another
Note 1 to entry: This includes portable and hand-held appliances, and excludes fixed and stationary appliances.
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-1 51 :2001 , 1 51 -1 6-45, modified – “Machine” has been added and “generally by using vehicles” has been deleted. The note to entry has been added]
3.4 electrostatic earthing
connection to earth with a maximum resistance of 1 MΩ.IEC 62784 pdf download.