IEC 62756-1-2015 pdf download.Digital load side transmission lighting control (DLT) – Part 1: Basic requirements.
This International Standard specifies a protocol, electrical interface and test procedures for control of electronic lighting equipment by digital signals over the load side mains wiring. Safety requirements are not covered by this standard.
2 Normative references The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies. IEC 60364 (all parts), Low-voltage electrical installations IEC 60038, IEC standard voltages
3 Terms and definitions For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
3.1 load side wire from the output of the control device to the supply input of one or more control gear
3.2 interface wires used for both supply of AC mains power and data transfer
3.3 control device device that is connected to the interface and sends commands to at least one control gear [SOURCE: IEC 62386-1 01 :2009, 3.1 , modified — “in order to control other devices (for example lamp control gear) connected to the same interface” has been replaced by “to at least one control gear”]
3.4 control gear one or more components between the supply and one or more lamps which may serve to transform the supply voltage, limit the current of the lamp(s) to the required value, provide starting voltage and preheating current, prevent cold starting, correct power factor or reduce radio interference. Note 1 to entry: Lamps may have an integrated control gear such as an integrated compact fluorescent lamp or integrated LED lamp. Any references to control gear will include any such integrated lamps.
3.5 master
device that initiates transmission of data on the interface
3.6 slave
device that reacts to data on the interface
3.7 supply period
time period during which power is supplied to a control device
3.8 operating period
time period during which power is supplied to a control gear
3.9 data period
time period during which data is transmitted
3.1 0 brightness
lumen output of the light source
3.1 1 frame
sequence of consecutive bits
3.1 2 telegram
complete sequence of consecutive frames causing a reaction in the slave
3.1 3 group number
number used to address a collection of control gear
3.1 4 response time
time taken from the end of a telegram to the reaction of a control gear
3.1 5 half wave
positive or negative 1 80° of an a.c. sine wave starting and ending at the zero crossing point
3.1 6 lighting system
combination of a control device and one or more control gear
3.1 7 telegram type
specific content of the telegram defining the message transmitted
3.1 8 two-wire device
control device where the current for the internal power supply flows through the control gear.IEC 62756-1 pdf download.