IEC 62613-1-2019 pdf download.Plugs , socket-outlets and ship couplers for high-voltage shore connection (HVSC) systems – Part 1: General requirements.
4 General
4.1 General requirements Accessories shall be supplied with all the necesary instructions from the manufacturer, for example on installation, assembling, wiring, commissioning, inspection. preventive maintenance, replacement of consumable parts, etc., including the levels of ability of the personnel to perform such operations. Accessories shall be so designed and constructed that in normal use their performance is reliable and without danger to the user or the surroundings. Accessories constructed in accordance with this document shall be suitable for the environment conditions in the space(s) where they are intended to operate. Accessories located on ships shall comply with the applicable part(s) of IEC 60092. Unless otherwise stated, the normal use environment in which the accessories complying with this document are normally used is pollution degree 3 according to IEC 60664-1. Accessories shall comply with the applicable requirements of IEC 60502-4. Accessories shall be wired, installed, comissioned, maintained and used by electrically instructed or skilled personnel. HVSC systems do not allow In-lne connections unless a specific plece of equlpement made for that purpose is used. It shall not be possible to connect a plug into a ship connector (88e 8.4).
4.2 General notes on tests
4.2.1 Tests according to this document are type tests. I1 a part of an accessory has previously passed tests for a given degree of severity. the relevant type tests shall not be repeated if the severity is not greater.
4.2.2 Unless otherwise specifed, the samples are tested as delivered and under normal conditions of use. at an ambient temperature of (20土5) “C; the tests are made at rated frequency,
4.2.3 Unless otherwise specified, the tests are carried out in the order of the clauses or subclauses of this document.
4.2.4 Three samples are subjected to all the tests. For the tests of 11.1.4, for the tests of 19.6 and 19.7, and for the tests of Clause 27, a new set of three samples can be used, if necessary.
4.2.5 Accessories are deemed to comply with this document if no sample fails in the complete series of appropriate tests. I1 one sample fails in a test, that test and those preceding which. can have influenced the test result are repeated on another set of three samples, all of which shall then pass the repeated tests. NOTE In general, only the test that caused the filure wll be ropeated, unless the sample fals in one of the tests of Clause 21 in which c88e the leste are repealed from that of Clause 20 onwards. The Bplicant cean submit, lgthter with the frst set of amples. the aditionall set which could be necesary if cone sample flls. The testing station Wil then, without further request, test the aditional samples and will reject only it a further failure oceurs. IEC 62613-1 pdf download.