IEC 62597-2019 pdf download.Measurement procedures of magnetic field levels generated by electronic and electrical apparatus in the railway environment with respect to human exposure.
4 Measurement procedure 4.1 General In railways three electromagnetic sources can affect human beings: rolling stock, traction power supply and signalling equipment. According to generic EMF standard IEC 6231 1 , there are two separate summation regimes for simultaneous exposure to fields of different frequencies. They depend on the effects of the exposure. In the frequency range from 1 Hz to 1 0 MHz the electrical stimulation is relevant.
In the frequency range from 1 00 kHz to 300 GHz, thermal effects are relevant. As the detectable emission of rolling stock, traction power supply and signalling equipment is in the frequency range from d.c. to 1 00 kHz, measurements, simulation and calculation are restricted to this range. Accordingly, only one summation regime is applied.
In this frequency range the magnetic field is dominant and the electric field can be neglected.
As power of signalling equipment is low in comparison with other sources of EMF in the railway environment, its contribution can be neglected.
The load within the railway system can change widely in short times. Emission is related to load.
The measurement procedure of the whole railway system is divided into two cases.
Case 1 : Rolling stock (see 4.2)
– measurements inside rolling stock, and
– measurements outside rolling stock.
Case 2: Fixed installation of existing infrastructure (see 4.3)
– measurement of existing railway infrastructure,
– simulation/calculation of worst case situation (e.g. bridges, level crossing, maximum possible current in overhead lines, third rails).
NOTE Compliance of rolling stock can be demonstrated with the first explained case. Compliance of fixed installation can be demonstrated with the second explained case.
For the apparatus, systems and fixed installations in railway environment there are basic restrictions for general public and workers specified in ICNIRP and IEEE standards (see Bibliography).
With compliance of case 1 and case 2, it can be assumed that the whole railway system complies with the relevant requirements and limits.
Subclause 4.2 defines the measurement points in established areas inside and outside rolling stock.
Subclause 4.3 defines the measurement points in established areas in fixed installation and gives details regarding simulation/calculation.
Subclause 4.4 defines the test conditions during the measurement of the magnetic field.
Subclause 4.5 is related to the test environment.
A test plan for rolling stock and fixed installation is given in Annex A.
4.2 Rolling stock
4.2.1 General
The following measurement points are specified inside and outside rolling stock:
4.2.2 Accessible areas for workers inside rolling stock
The measurements indicate the emissions of the train equipment in standstill and dynamic condition (see 4.4.1 ).
Measurements shall be carried out where workers are located when seated or accessing areas in the train during normal operation conditions of train taking into account the sources of emission within the train. This is defined as the occupied volume.
The occupied volume can be measured either by the surface method or by the volume method.
Surface method:
The enclosing surface of the volume shall be measured at a minimum distance (under the sensor restriction) and at an agreed number of measuring points (e.g. by measurement on the floor surface above emission sources and if necessary additional measurement heights above the floor may be 0,5 m, 1 ,0 m and 1 ,5 m).
Failure to satisfy the value of the limits using the surface method does not necessarily mean the occupied volume limits are exceeded.
Volume method:
The occupied volume shall be measured at typical places where workers can be located. The measurement heights above the floor shall be 1 ,0 m and 1 ,5 m. The horizontal measuring distance to the walls is 0,3 m or at the minimum distance (> 0,3 m) where workers can be.IEC 62597 pdf download.