IEC 61557-1-2019 pdf download.Electrical safety in low voltage distribution systems up to 1 000 V a.c. and 1 500 V d.c. – Equipment for testing, measuring or monitoring of protective measures Part 1: General requirements.
4.3 Rated operating conditions
The following rated operating conditions shall apply, except for insulation monitoring devices (IMD) in accordance with IEC 61 557-8 and for insulation fault location systems (IFLS) in accordance with IEC 61 557-9:
– temperature range from 0 °C to 35 °C;
– a position of ±90° from the reference position for portable measuring equipment;
– 85 % to 1 1 0 % of the nominal supply voltage for supply from the distribution systems (if applicable). The values in IEC 60038 shall be applied for a supply from the distribution system;
– the charge condition in accordance with 4.4 shall apply to the battery or batteries/ accumulators for measuring equipment with a supply from batteries/accumulators;
– the range of revolutions per minute stated by the manufacturer for measuring equipment with a supply from a hand-driven generator;
– frequency of the supply voltage ±5 % (if applicable).
NOTE Additional rated operating conditions are stated in other parts of the IEC 61 557 series.
4.4 Battery test facility
Measuring equipment with power supplied from dry or rechargeable battery cells shall test and indicate that the state of charge of these batteries will permit measurement within the specification. This may be done automatically as part of the measurement cycle or as a separate function. Where the battery test is a separate function, the test load shall be of the same level as the one appearing during a measurement.
4.5 Safety
Measuring and monitoring equipment shall be in accordance with IEC 61 01 0-1 ,
IEC 61 01 0-2-030, IEC 61 01 0-031 , IEC 61 01 0-2-034 and, if applicable, IEC 61 01 0-2-032, and with the following additional requirements.
Overvoltage categories and/or measurement categories are specified in the relevant parts of IEC 61 557.
Handheld measuring equipment shall fulfil the requirements for double or reinforced insulation.
The conductive parts of the terminals shall not be accessible and hazardous in connected, partially connected or unconnected conditions.
The protective conductor if used for measuring purposes shall be treated as a live part, except where a different requirement is specified in other parts of IEC 61 557.
The terminals shall be designed so that the probe assembly can be connected to the measuring equipment reliably.
4.6 Electromagnetic compatibility
4.6.1 Immunity
For immunity requirements, IEC 61 326-1 :201 2, Table 2 shall apply. For testing, see 6.5.
4.6.2 Emission
For emissions, either class A or class B limits in accordance with IEC 61 326-1 :201 2, 7.2 shall apply.
4.7 Mechanical strength against vibration
In addition to the mechanical resistance tests in accordance with IEC 61 01 0-1 , measuring equipment shall successfully pass the following vibration conditions (type test):
– direction: three mutually perpendicular axes;
– amplitude: 1 mm;
– frequency: 25 Hz;
– duration: 20 min.
5 Marking and operating instructions
5.1 General
Marking and operating instructions shall comply with IEC 61 01 0-1 , IEC 61 01 0-2-032,
IEC 61 01 0-2-030 and, in addition, these instructions shall comply with the requirements specified in the relevant parts of IEC 61 557.
5.2 Marking
The measuring equipment shall carry the following marking:
– type of equipment;
– type and current rating of the fuse in the case of exchangeable fuses;
– type of battery/accumulator and polarity of connection in the battery compartment;
– nominal system voltage and, if applicable, the symbol for double insulation in accordance with IEC 61 01 0-1 :201 0, Table 1 , symbol 1 1 ;
– manufacturer’s name or registered trade mark;
– model number, name or other means to identify the equipment (inside or outside);
– reference to the operating instructions in accordance with IEC 61 01 0-1 :201 0, Table 1 ,
symbol 1 4.
Units of the measured quantities and ranges of measurement shall be stated on the enclosure or on the display.IEC 61557-1 pdf download.