IEC 61097-4-2019 pdf download.Global maritime distress and safety system (GMDSS) – Part 4: Inmarsat-C ship earth station and Inmarsat enhanced group call (EGC) equipment – Operational and performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results.
3 Performance requirements.
3.1 Overview Subclauses
3.2 through
3.4 of this standard describe performance requirements directly attributable to IMO Resolutions A.807(1 9) and MSC.306(87) as listed in the normative references. Subclause
3.5 is provided to highlight those requirements of IMO Resolution A.694(1 7) which are not included in the normal Inmarsat requirements for Inmarsat-C SES type approval. Subclause
3.6 describes other requirements which are required to make the equipment suitable for GMDSS applications. Subclause
3.7 describes performance requirements attributable to IMO Resolution MSC.263(84) for long-range identification and tracking.
3.2 Non-operational requirements
3.2.1 General (A.807(19) A1.1/MSC.306(87) A1.1) The Inmarsat Standard-C ship earth station installation capable of transmitting and receiving direct-printing communications, and the enhanced group call equipment to be used in the GMDSS shall comply with the general requirements set out in Assembly resolution A.694(17) as detailed in IEC 60945 and this IEC standard. (A.807(19) A2/MSC.306(87) 2) The ship earth station and the EGC equipment shall be type- approved by Inmarsat and shall comply with the environmental conditions and electromagnetic compatibility requirements specified in IEC 60945.
3.2.2 Warning of radiation hazard (A.807(19) A4) In order to permit a warning of potential radiation hazards to be displayed in appropriate locations, a label shall be attached to the radome indicating the distances external to the radome at which radiation levels of 100 W/m 2 , 25 W/m 2 and 10 W/m 2 exist. However, the distances which are within the radome need not be indicated. NOTE Due to the low transmitted power of Inmarsat-C transmitters (less than 1 6 dBW) and the omnidirectional antenna used, this label is not normally required.
3.2.3 Power supply changeover (See 5.2) (A.807(19) A5.2/MSC.306(87) A4.2) Changing from one source of supply to another or any interruption of up to 60 s duration of the supply of electrical energy shall not require the equipment to be manually re-initialized and shall not result in loss of received messages stored in the memory. performance requirements, methods of testing and required test results.
3.3 Operational requirements for ship earth stations
3.3.1 Capabilities
(See 5.3.1 )
The equipment shall comply with regulations IV/8 through IV/1 0 of SOLAS 1 974, as amended, which prescribe the capabilities of Inmarsat ship earth stations to meet the GMDSS requirements for ships in the various sea areas. The four capabilities are:
– (SOLAS IV/ and IV/ means of initiating the transmission of ship- to-shore distress alerts.
– (SOLAS IV/ transmitting and receiving distress and safety communications using direct-printing telegraphy.
– (SOLAS IV/ initiating and receiving distress priority calls.IEC 61097-4 pdf download.