IEC 61000-3-2-2020 pdf download.Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) – Part 3-2: Limits – Limits for harmonic current emissions (equipment input current ≤16 A per phase).
6 General requirements
6.1 General
The restrictions specified in 6.2 also apply to the categories of equipment listed in 7.1 for which no harmonic current limits apply.
The requirements and limits specified in this document are applicable to the power input terminals of equipment intended to be connected to 220/380 V, 230/400 V and 240/41 5 V systems operating at 50 Hz or 60 Hz. Requirements and limits for other cases are not yet specified.
A simplified test method is permitted for equipment that undergoes minor changes or updates, provided that, in previous full compliance tests, it has been shown to have current emissions below 60 % of the applicable limits and the THD of the supply current is less than 1 5 %. The simplified test method consists of verifying that the updated equipment has an active input power within ±20 % of that of the originally tested product, and that the THD of the supply current is less than 1 5 %. Products that fulfill these requirements are deemed to comply with the applicable limits, but in case of doubt the result of a full compliance test according to Clauses 6 and 7 takes precedence over this simplified method.
6.2 Control methods
Asymmetrical controls according to IEC 60050-1 61 :1 990, 1 61 -07-1 2, and half-wave rectification directly on the mains supply may only be used where:
a) they are the only practical solution permitting the detection of unsafe conditions, or
b) they control an active input power less than or equal to 1 00 W, or
c) they are operated in a portable equipment fitted with a two-core flexible cord which is intended for use for a short period of time, i.e. for a few minutes only.
If at least one of these three conditions is fulfilled, half-wave rectification may be used for any purpose, whereas asymmetrical controls may only be used for the control of motors.
NOTE 1 Equipment which can fulfil condition c) includes, but is not limited to, hair dryers, electrical kitchen appliances and portable tools.
NOTE 2 When using asymmetrical controls or half-wave rectification under the above circumstances, the input current has a DC component that can disturb certain types of protection devices in case of an earth fault. See
IEC TR 60755.
Even though asymmetrical controls and half-wave rectification are permitted under the conditions given above, equipment shall still comply with the harmonic requirements of this document.
In general, symmetrical controls may be used for any application and without particular restrictions. However, symmetrical control methods which can produce integer harmonics of the mains frequency up to the 40 th order in the mains input current may be used to control the power supplied to heating elements only if at least one of the following restrictions is met:
• the full sine-wave active input power of these heating elements is lower than or equal to 200 W, or
• the limits of Table 3 are not exceeded when testing with these heating elements active.
Such symmetrical control methods are also allowed for professional equipment provided that either one of the above conditions is fulfilled, or the relevant emission limits according to
Clause 7 are not exceeded when tested at the supply input terminals and in addition both the following conditions are fulfilled:
– it is necessary to control precisely the temperature of a heater whose thermal time constant is less than 2 s, and
– there is no other technique economically available.
Professional equipment whose primary purpose, considered as a whole, is not for heating, shall be tested against the relevant emission limits according to Clause 7.
NOTE 3 An example of a product whose primary purpose, considered as a whole, is not for heating is a photocopier, whereas a cooker is considered to have heating as its primary purpose.
For domestic equipment used for a short time (e.g. hair dryers) the above restrictions for symmetrical control of heating elements shall not apply and the limits for Class A shall apply instead.
For the application of this document diode rectification is not considered to be a form of control.IEC 61000-3-2 pdf download.