IEC 60352-3-2020 pdf download.Solderless connections – Part 3: Accessible insulation displacement (ID) connections – General requirements, test methods and practical guidance.
This part of IEC 60352 is applicable to ID connections which are accessible for tests and
measurements according to Clauses 6 through 8 and which are made with:
– appropriately designed accessible ID terminations,
– wires having solid round conductors of 0,25 mm to 3,6 mm nominal diameter,
– wires having stranded conductors of 0,05 mm 2 to 1 0 mm 2 cross-sectional area, for use in electrical and electronic equipment and components.
Information on materials and data from industrial experience is included in addition to the testprocedures to provide electrically stable connections under prescribed environmental condi- tions.
There are different designs and materials for accessible ID terminations in use. For this rea- son only fundamental parameters of the termination are specified, while the performance re- quirements of the wire and the complete connection are specified in full detail.
The purpose of this document is:
– to determine the suitability of accessible ID connections under specified mechanical, elec- trical and atmospheric conditions;
– to provide a means of comparing test results when the tools used to make the connec- tions, if any, are of different designs or manufacture.
2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their con- tent constitutes requirements of this document. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60068-1 , Environmental testing – Part 1: General and guidance
IEC 60228, Conductors of insulated cables
IEC 6051 2-1 , Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment – Tests and measurements – Part 1: Generic specification
IEC 6051 2-1 -1 , Connectors for electronic equipment – Tests and measurements – Part 1-1: General examination – Test 1a: Visual examination
IEC 6051 2-1 -2, Connectors for electronic equipment – Tests and measurements – Part 1-2: General examination – Test 1b: Examination of dimension and mass
IEC 6051 2-2-1 , Connectors for electronic equipment – Part 2: Electrical continuity and contact resistance tests – Test 2a: Contact resistance – Millivolt level method
IEC 6051 2-2-2, Connectors for electronic equipment – Tests and measurements – Part 2-2:Electrical continuity and contact resistance tests – Test 2b: Contact resistance – Specified test current method
IEC 6051 2-2-5, Connectors for electronic equipment – Tests and measurements – Part 2-5:Electrical continuity and contact resistance tests – Test 2e: Contact disturbance
IEC 6051 2-6-4, Connectors for electronic equipment – Tests and measurements – Part 6-4:Dynamic stress tests – Test 6d: Vibration (sinusoidal)
IEC 6051 2-9-2, Connectors for electronic equipment – Tests and measurements – Part 9-2:Endurance tests – Test 9b: Electrical load and temperature
IEC 6051 2-1 1 -1 , Connectors for electrical and electronic equipment – Tests and measure-ments – Part 11-1: Climatic tests – Test 11a – Climatic sequence
IEC 6051 2-1 1 -4, Connectors for electronic equipment – Tests and measurements – Part 11-4:Climatic tests – Test 11d: Rapid change of temperature
IEC 6051 2-1 1 -7, Connectors for electronic equipment – Tests and measurements – Part 11-7: Climatic tests – Test 11g: Flowing mixed gas corrosion test
IEC 6051 2-1 1 -9, Connectors for electronic equipment – Tests and measurements – Part 11-9:Climatic tests – Test 11i: Dry heat
IEC 6051 2-1 1 -1 0, Connectors for electronic equipment – Tests and measurements – Part 11-10: Climatic tests – Test 11j: Cold
IEC 6051 2-1 1 -1 2, Connectors for electronic equipment – Tests and measurements – Part 11-12: Climatic tests – Test 11m: Damp heat, cyclic
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
• IEC Electropedia: available at
• ISO Online browsing platform: available at
3.1 conductor
part of the cable or wire intended to carry electric current.IEC 60352-3 pdf download.