IEC 60079-19-2015 pdf download.Explosive atmospheres – Part 19: Equipment repair, overhaul and reclamation.
4 General
4.1 General principles This clause covers those aspects of repair, overhaul, reclamation, alteration, and modification which are common to all explosion-protected equipment. Subsequent clauses provide instructions for the additional requirements relevant to specific types of protection. When equipment incorporates more than one type of protection, reference shall be made to the appropriate clauses.
NOTE 1 Additional requirements for types of protection “m”, “o” and “q” have not been defined.
Assuming that repairs and overhauls are carried out using good engineering practices, then repairs and overhauls impacting the type of protection shall be presumed as being in conformity with the certificate when manufacturer’s parts or parts specified in 4.4.1 are used and repairs or alterations are carried out specifically as detailed in this standard, the certificate documentation under 4.4.1 .5, and when performed by competent persons as provided in 4.4.1 .3. In circumstances where the relevant documentation in accordance with 4.4.1 .5.1 is not available, then the repair or overhaul shall be carried out on the equipment in accordance with this standard and other relevant standard(s). The steps taken to obtain the relevant documentation shall be recorded in the repair facility records (see 4.4.1 .5.3). If the equipment has been modified, it shall comply with the requirements of 4.4.3 where a new certificate is required to be prepared or the equipment is no longer suitable for use in a hazardous area. NOTE 2 In some countries, legal requirements do not permit repair without relevant documentation to Group I equipment unless subjected to complete retesting and a new certificate issued. If other repair or alteration techniques are used which are not in accordance with this standard, then it will be necessary to ascertain, from the manufacturers, and/or the certification authority, the suitability of the equipment for continued use in an explosive atmosphere.
NOTE 3 Repair of equipment which has no marking plate should be avoided.
4.2 Statutory requirements for repair facility
The repair facility, which may be the manufacturer, user or a third party repair, shall be aware of any specific requirements in relevant national legislation which may govern the repair or overhaul operation.
4.3 Instructions for the user
4.3.1 Certificates and documents
The equipment design certificate and other related documents (see 4.4.1 .5) should have been obtained as part of the original purchase contract.
4.3.2 Records and work instructions
The relevant documentation (4.3.1 ), along with the records of any repairs, overhauls, alterations or modifications, should be kept by the user and made available to the repairer.
NOTE 1 The documentation and records are normally retained in the users verification dossier for the lifetime of the equipment.
NOTE 2 It will be in the interests of the user that the repairer is notified, whenever possible, of the fault and/or nature of the work to be done and any special application information, e.g. a motor supplied by an inverter.
Special requirements stipulated in the user’s specifications, and which are supplementary to the various standards, e.g. enhanced ingress protection, specific environmental conditions etc., should be brought to the attention of the repairer.
4.3.3 Re-installation of repaired equipment
Re-installation of repaired equipment is in accordance with IEC 60079-1 4.
NOTE Before the repaired equipment is re-commissioned, cable/conduit entry systems should be checked to ensure that they are undamaged and are appropriate to the equipment type of protection.IEC 60079-19 pdf download.