AS NZS IEC-60903-2020 pdf download.Live working — Electrical insulating gloves.
This International Standard is applicable to electrical insulating gloves and mitts that provide protection of the worker against electric shock.
Unless otherwise stated, the use of the term “glove” includes both gloves and mitts.
This standard also covers electrical insulating gloves with additional integrated mechanical protection referred to in this document as “composite gloves”.
The products designed and manufactured according to this standard contribute to the safety of the users provided they are used by skilled persons, in accordance with safe methods of work and the instructions for use.
NOTE Insulating gloves are normally to be used in conjunction with leather protector gloves to provide mechanical protection. Composite insulating gloves are normally used without over-gloves.
2 Normative references
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
IEC 60060-1 , High-voltage test techniques – Part 1: General definitions and test requirements
IEC 60060-2, High-voltage test techniques – Part 2: Measuring systems
IEC 6021 2, Standard conditions for use prior to and during the testing of solid electrical insulating materials
IEC 6041 7, Graphical symbols for use on equipment
IEC 61 31 8:2007, Live working – Conformity assessment applicable to tools, devices and equipment
IEC 61 477, Live working – Minimum requirements for the utilization of tools, devices and equipment
ISO 23529, Rubber – General procedures for preparing and conditioning test pieces for physical test methods
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this document, the terms and definitions given in IEC 61 31 8 as well as the following apply.
3.1 bell cuff glove
glove with an enlarged shape from the wrist to the cuff in such a way as to facilitate pull-on over a thick garment
3.2 composite glove
electrical insulating glove made with additional integrated mechanical protection of the glove
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-651 :2014, 651 -23-03 and IEC 60743:2013, 8.2.1 , modified – The definition clarifies that the mechanical protection is an additional one]
3.3 contour glove
glove shaped at the upper part of the gauntlet in such a way as to facilitate the bending of the arm and intended for gloves that extend to or above the elbow
3.4 cuff
open part of a glove
3.5 cuff roll
roll or reinforced edge of a glove at the cuff
3.6 disruptive discharge
passage of an arc following dielectric breakdown
Note 1 to entry: The term “flashover” (in French “contournement”) is used when a disruptive discharge occurs at least partly along the surface of a solid dielectric surrounded by a gaseous or liquid medium.
Note 2 to entry: The term “puncture” (in French “perforation”) is used when a disruptive discharge occurs through a solid dielectric producing permanent damage.
[SOURCE: IEC 60050-604:1 987, 604-03-38 modified – the content of the original note has been reduced, modified to suit the application and presented in the form of two notes to entry]
3.7 elastomer
macromolecular material which returns rapidly to its initial dimensions and shape after substantial deformation by a weak stress and release of the stress
Note 1 to entry: The definition applies under room temperature test conditions. [SOURCE: ISO 472:201 3, 2.327]
3.8 electrical insulating glove
glove made of elastomer, used for the protection of the worker against electric shock [SOURCE: IEC 60050-651 :201 4, 651 -23-02 and IEC 60743:2013, 8.1 .3, modified – The definition is in line with the composition requirements of the standard for the type of insulating material. The note 1 to entry has been deleted]
3.9 fork
part of glove at the junction of two fingers, or finger and thumb.AS NZS IEC-60903 pdf download.