IEC 63044-3-2021 pdf download.Home and building electronic systems (HBES) and building automation and control systems (BACS) – Part 3: Electrical safety requirements.
The entire HBES/BACS, media and devices as well as their installation, shall ensure safe operation and protection against electric shock, burns and fire during normal use as well as under single-fault conditions.
Compliance is checked by the classification requirements of installation areas in 6.2, the electrical safety requirements in 6.3 and the installation requirements in 6.4.
6.2 Classification requirements of installation areas
6.2.1 Overvoltage category
Devices to be installed as a part of the fixed installation of an HBES/BACS system shall be classified as overvoltage category III according to IEC 60664-1 .
Devices that are not part of the fixed installation but to be supplied from the fixed installation of an HBES/BACS shall be classified at least as overvoltage category II according to IEC 60664-1 .
Compliance is checked by inspection of the product descriptions and/or installation instructions.
6.2.2 Pollution degree
All devices of an HBES/BACS system shall be classified at least for pollution degree 2 according to IEC 60664-1 .
Compliance is checked by inspection of the product descriptions and/or installation instructions.
6.2.3 Material class
All devices of an HBES/BACS shall comply with the minimum material class IIIa (CTI = 1 75 V).
6.3 Electrical safety requirements
6.3.1 Protection from hazards in the device
Devices of an HBES/BACS shall comply with the electrical safety requirements in the appropriate product standard in consideration of the required overvoltage category and pollution degree specified in 6.2.1 and 6.2.2.
An informative non-exhaustive list of product standards for electrical safety is provided in Annex A.
Compliance is checked by the requirements in the relevant product standard.
6.3.2 Protection from overvoltage on the network and from hazards caused by different types of circuit network HBES/BACS products devices connected to an ICT network
For HBES/BACS products devices connected to an ICT network, as defined in 3.1 .4 3.1 .1 , the appropriate requirements in IEC 62949 apply in addition to the product standard.
Compliance is checked by the requirements and tests according to IEC 62949. Products connected to Devices interconnected via a dedicated HBES/BACS network
For devices connected to an HBES/BACS network as defined in IEC 63044-1 :201 7, 3.1 .2 and IEC 63044-1 :201 7/AMD1 :2021 , 3.1 .2, the protection against electric shock in accordance with 6.3.1 applies. Table 1 specifies the required electrical separation between the device network and the HBES/BACS network and applies in addition to the product standard. If the separation between the mains and SELV is done with a transformer, this shall be a safety transformer according to IEC 61 558-2-6 or IEC 61 558-2-1 6. NOTE Table 1 can also be used as guidance for the separation between different circuits within a device in case the relevant product standard does not specify these requirements. The relevant information about the safety classification (overvoltage category and type of circuit) of the ports and any restrictions applicable (e.g. the network topology) shall be stated in the manufacturer’s documentation.IEC 63044-3 pdf download.